Press Releases

Monasterium Laboratory successfully passed the 2nd surveillance audit for the ISO9001:2015 Certification!

We are proud to announce that our second surveillance audit for maintaining the ISO 9001:2015 Certification from TÜV Rheinland has been successfully completed. This certification covers: “Execution of state-of-the-art preclinical and clinical services for cosmetology, dermatology, nutraceutical, and allergy applications.” The ISO 9001:2015 certification is a globally recognized standard […]

Monasterium Laboratory successfully passed the 2nd surveillance audit for the ISO9001:2015 Certification!2024-06-12T09:34:19+02:00

Research Highlight: Laser capture microdissection as a method for investigating the human hair follicle microbiome reveals region-specific differences in the bacteriome profile

Hair follicle (HF) disorders such as acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa, also known as acne inversa, develop in response to dysregulations (imbalances) of the HF microbiota, i.e. the community of microorganisms that inhabit the human HF. Research on the HF microbiome composition is increasing and knowledge about the distinct types […]

Research Highlight: Laser capture microdissection as a method for investigating the human hair follicle microbiome reveals region-specific differences in the bacteriome profile2023-08-24T14:04:03+02:00

Research Highlight: Organ-cultured human skin produces antimicrobial peptides in response to topical Sandalore® treatment

Originally, olfactory receptors (ORs) were described to detect odors. Consequently, they are well known to play a central role for smelling in mammals. However, ORs are not only expressed in the nose, instead we, at Monasterium Laboratory, demonstrated that their physiological functions extends beyond that of olfaction, since these receptors […]

Research Highlight: Organ-cultured human skin produces antimicrobial peptides in response to topical Sandalore® treatment2023-08-24T14:04:56+02:00

Research Highlight: A new in vivo humanized mouse model for atopic dermatitis research and Pre-clinical investigation of therapeutics

In this study, recently published in the high-ranking scientific journal Allergy the authors, including our founder Prof. Ralf Paus and acting CEO Dr. Marta Bertolini, describe the development of a novel humanized mouse model of AD that reflects the most important hallmarks of human AD (learn more here). We are proud to […]

Research Highlight: A new in vivo humanized mouse model for atopic dermatitis research and Pre-clinical investigation of therapeutics2023-08-24T14:05:05+02:00

Press Release: Monasterium Laboratory has successfully passed the first surveillance audit for the ISO9001:2015 Certification!

We are proud to announce that we have successfully passed the first surveillance audit for maintaining the ISO9001:2015 Certification from the TÜV Rheinland with the scope of: “Execution of state-of-the-art preclinical and clinical services for cosmetology, dermatology, nutraceutical, and allergy applications” The ISO9001:2015 certification is a globally recognized standard […]

Press Release: Monasterium Laboratory has successfully passed the first surveillance audit for the ISO9001:2015 Certification!2023-08-24T14:05:15+02:00

Research Highlight: A new application for a commonly used drug? Statins as companion drug therapy in the treatment of Alopecia Areata

The USA, UK and Europe have recently approved the JAK inhibitor baricitinib/Olumiant® to treat severe cases of adult alopecia areata (AA). However, despite these good news, JAK inhibitors are still in an early stage of clinical investigation and until now many other countries do not allow their use outside of […]

Research Highlight: A new application for a commonly used drug? Statins as companion drug therapy in the treatment of Alopecia Areata2023-08-24T14:05:43+02:00

Press Release – New Publication: An advocacy to use humanized mouse models for psoriasis research and pre-clinical drug development

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by dry, itchy and scaly patches. Patients suffer greatly from both, the negative features of the symptoms as well as psychologically from i.e. poor self-esteem or social isolation. For the development of adequate treatment strategies, clinically relevant models are inevitable. Much of […]

Press Release – New Publication: An advocacy to use humanized mouse models for psoriasis research and pre-clinical drug development2023-08-24T14:06:02+02:00

Probanden für Haut- und Haarforschung in Münster gesucht

Aktuell suchen wir Probanden für die Haarforschung, die an Haarausfall oder einer anderen Haarerkrankung leiden, sowie Probanden für die Hautforschung, die an Psoriasis (Schuppenflechte) oder atopischer Dermatitis (Neurodermitis) leiden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in der jeweiligen Studienbeschreibung (siehe unten). Studienbeschreibung Haarausfall / Haarerkrankung: Sie leiden an Haarausfall, oder einer anderen […]

Probanden für Haut- und Haarforschung in Münster gesucht2023-08-24T14:07:09+02:00

Press Release: Intermediate Hair Follicles from Female Pattern Hair Loss Patients are characterized by nutrient insufficiency and a low metabolic activity

People throughout all cultures care greatly about keeping their hair healthy and strong, and the array of hair care products is continuously expanding. Whilst wash and care hair products might be enough for maintaining hair fiber health, more specialist treatments are needed for preventing hair loss. In this regard, nutritional […]

Press Release: Intermediate Hair Follicles from Female Pattern Hair Loss Patients are characterized by nutrient insufficiency and a low metabolic activity2023-08-24T14:07:24+02:00

Press Release: Human skin – an easily accessible model to investigate organ rejuvenation?

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain Not everyone shares Mark Twain´s carefree view on aging. Quite the contrary, many individuals fear getting older. Therefore, effective strategies to prevent, or even reverse aging are highly demanded. However, clinically relevant […]

Press Release: Human skin – an easily accessible model to investigate organ rejuvenation?2023-08-24T14:09:03+02:00

Press Release: An extract from the alpine plant “Edelweiss” stimulates hair growth

In close collaboration with DSM , we showed that an extract of the alpine plant Leontopodium alpinum, or Edelweiss, inhibits hair loss in humans by prolonging the hair follicle growth phase, called anagen, during which the hair shaft, the visible part of the hair, is produced. Our findings, published […]

Press Release: An extract from the alpine plant “Edelweiss” stimulates hair growth2023-08-24T14:09:35+02:00

We are proud to announce our own CSO, Dr. Marta Bertolini has been selected as winner of the Martha Schwarzkopf Award for Women in Science by Henkel

We are very proud to announce that our CSO, Dr. Marta Bertolini, has been honoured the "Martha Schwarzkopf Award for Women in Science" from Henkel. By receiving this award her relentless efforts and outstanding achievements in hair biology research are being recognized. Unfortunately, women in science are still underrepresented and […]

We are proud to announce our own CSO, Dr. Marta Bertolini has been selected as winner of the Martha Schwarzkopf Award for Women in Science by Henkel2023-08-24T14:09:45+02:00

Press Release: Monasterium Laboratory has been awarded the ISO9001:2015 Certification!

Monasterium Laboratory GmbH is delighted to have been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification from the TÜV Rheinland: “Execution of state-of-the-art preclinical and clinical services for cosmetology, dermatology, nutraceutical, and allergy applications” ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard that ensures our services meet the needs of customers through an […]

Press Release: Monasterium Laboratory has been awarded the ISO9001:2015 Certification!2023-08-24T14:10:17+02:00

Issue 12: Current research highlights

Generation of a novel humanized mouse model for pre-clinical in vivo studies on androgenetic alopecia Amos Gilhar, Aviad Keren, Yehuda Ullmann, Jeff Wu, Ralf Paus Gilhar A, et al. Exp Dermatol, 2022 Male-pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common form of hair loss. It is characterized […]

Issue 12: Current research highlights2023-08-24T14:10:49+02:00

Back to the roots – How the freshwater polyp Hydra can help to understand the human hair follicle microbiome

At a first glance, the human hair follicle and the freshwater polyp Hydra do not have much in common. However, in a recently published debate article in the Journal BioEssays “Problems & Paradigms” from our PhD Student, Marta Lousada, the authors compare the way Hydra manages its microbiota to the […]

Back to the roots – How the freshwater polyp Hydra can help to understand the human hair follicle microbiome2023-08-24T14:11:04+02:00
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